We won’t lower your ACOS.
You will.

A PPC console for Intelligent Humans. Supernatural visibility. Total control. Lower ACOS.

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Date compare functionality;

Compare last week to the previous week, or month to month.

Easily analyze if you're headed in a positive trajectory.

Filter keywords & targets based on recent data shifts, then easily apply new bids.

Enhanced interface;

Asynchronously load - refreshes data without page reload for a faster experience.

Easy campaign navigator - swiftly navigate between campaigns & ad-groups with our quick navigator.

Apply bids in bulk for multiple keywords in multiple ad-groups.

Product & catalog based reporting

Start with a organized & categorized catalog.

You’ll learn which categories generate better ACOS & TACOS.

Apply bulk bid changes, negative or new keywords to entire group of similar products.

Reporting & Dashboards

Unrivaled reporting center.

Build reports that will unbury data you crave.

Compose comprehensive dashboards at lightning speed.

Keywords associated with products

Campaign type associated per product

All campaigns associated with a product

Auto vs manual campaign performance

Month over month per product

Month over month per category

Search term per product

Search term per keyword

% sales within campaign

Tacos per product

Tacos per keyword